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  • Graniteshares | May 7th, 2024

Graniteshares | May 7th, 2024

Today's insights are provided by GraniteShares. Learn more about their 2X leveraged AMD Exchange-Traded Fund (AMDL) to increase your AI exposure within your investment portfolio.



Here's everything you need to know today: As the European Union green-lights Nippon Steel’s $14.9 billion acquisition of U.S. Steel, we brace for a potential industry shake-up and some homegrown uproar. Meanwhile, Robinhood faces off with the SEC, setting the stage for a regulatory rumble that could ripple through the crypto markets.

On the celebrity investor front, Warren Buffett hints at inevitable tax hikes to curb the swelling U.S. fiscal deficit, while the Dow keeps climbing, fueled by whispers of Federal Reserve rate cuts. Over in the Magic Kingdom, all eyes are on Disney as earnings loom, potentially casting a spell on investor sentiment.

From ceasefire proposals soothing market nerves to Micron’s tech triumph sparking optimism, the day’s stories intertwine, offering a cocktail of intrigue and opportunity in the financial world.

Let’s dive into the details.

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Nippon to Purchase U.S. Steel for $14.9B

The deal clears in Europe but encounters significant resistance in the U.S., where leaders voice concerns over economic sovereignty and employment impacts

In a contentious move, the European Union has sanctioned Japan's Nippon Steel's acquisition of U.S. Steel for $14.9 billion, despite outspoken concerns from U.S. political leaders and labor unions.

This clearance could trigger a significant realignment in the global steel sector yet stir substantial domestic dissent in the United States.

While this merger has successfully surpassed competitive bids from industry stalwarts like Cleveland-Cliffs and ArcelorMittal, it faces staunch opposition in the U.S. over fears of national security and job security.

Notably, U.S. President Joe Biden has publicly voiced his preference for U.S. Steel to remain under American ownership, reflecting broader economic and security concerns. Adding to the political drama, Republican frontrunner Donald Trump declared that he would block the transaction if re-elected. This political standoff in the U.S. starkly contrasts the deal's smooth passage in Europe, which was seen as a routine regulatory approval. The U.S. Department of Justice continues its in-depth antitrust review, further complicating the merger's finalization and casting a shadow over its future implications for the U.S. workforce and industry control.

Invest in the Power of AI

Want 2x exposure to an AI stock?

Whether it's AMD, Nvidia, or Apple, The Moby research team has found its next exciting investment opportunity.

GraniteShares’ AMDL ETF seeks daily investment results of 2 times (200%) the daily percentage change of the stock of Advanced Micro Devices (AMD).

And this couldn’t be better timing for us because we're just scratching the surface of how AI may change the stock market and the world around us.

But it doesn’t stop there, because they seek the same types of returns on well known stocks like Nvidia, Amazon, Meta, and more!

So what are you waiting for? Just click the link below to learn more about this ETF provider.


Robinhood Receives SEC Wells Notice

As SEC tightens crypto regulation, Robinhood stands firm, prepared to defend its stance against securities classification

Robinhood Markets disclosed receiving a Wells notice from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), signaling potential enforcement action over the infamous cryptocurrency and financial markets trading platform.

This preliminary notice suggests the SEC's intent to pursue action but does not imply any wrongdoing by Robinhood.

Like Robinhood's competitor, Coinbase, the company's response underscores its stance that the listed assets are not securities, expressing readiness to contest any claims by the SEC.

Robinhood is under scrutiny as the SEC intensifies its oversight of the crypto market, categorizing most crypto tokens as securities subject to registration requirements. In contrast, Robinhood and other crypto firms argue that these tokens do not meet the traditional definition of securities.

This dispute is part of a broader confrontation between the crypto industry and regulatory bodies, with Coinbase also engaged in a legal battle over similar issues. Robinhood's chief legal officer, Dan Gallagher, voiced disappointment with the SEC's approach, reaffirming the company's position and ongoing efforts to comply with regulatory standards by attempting to register with the SEC for nearly two years.


Warren Buffett Predicts Tax Hikes

With U.S. deficits expected to rise, Buffett voices certainty on the need for increased taxation to sustain economic stability

Famous billionaire investor Warren Buffett strongly predicted that the U.S. must raise taxes to control the burgeoning national fiscal deficit.

At the annual Berkshire Hathaway shareholder meeting in Omaha, Buffett highlighted the certainty of tax hikes given the government's reluctance to cut spending amidst escalating debt levels.

His comments come as the Congressional Budget Office forecasts a significant rise in federal deficits, stressing the long-term consequences on economic stability.

During his address, Buffett elaborated on the potential fiscal strategies the government might adopt, suggesting that increasing taxes could be a preferable option over reducing national expenditures. The investor expressed concerns about the U.S. fiscal deficit, projected to grow from 5.5% of GDP in fiscal 2024 to 8.5% by 2054. These remarks were underscored by recent criticisms from the International Monetary Fund regarding the Biden administration's spending habits, which have notably increased the federal budget deficit from $1.4 trillion in fiscal 2022 to $1.7 trillion last year.

Buffett acknowledged the role of the Federal Reserve and its limited influence over fiscal policies, pointing out the broader implications for inflation and global economic stability.


Here’s what you missed

1. Dow Jones Industrial's Continued Rise

The Dow extended its winning streak to four days, climbing significantly, as traders reacted positively to potential Federal Reserve rate cuts.

2. Tech Sector Led by Micron

Micron Technology saw a substantial stock increase following an analyst upgrade, highlighting optimism in the tech sector.

3. Geopolitical Tensions Ease

The stock market responded positively to a ceasefire proposal in the Middle East, hinting at a decrease in geopolitical risks.

4. Disney's Earnings Anticipation

As Disney prepares to release its earnings, investors are keenly watching for insights into its strategic initiatives and overall health.

5. Warren Buffett's Economic Insights

At the annual Berkshire Hathaway meeting, Buffett shared a cautiously optimistic outlook, reflecting on both opportunities and challenges in the current market.

6. Platinum's Relative Value

With platinum prices falling below gold, Deutsche Bank points out a potential buy-the-dip opportunity that investors are starting to notice.

7. Artificial Intelligence's Corporate Influence

Citadel’s Ken Griffin discussed how AI is fundamentally changing the operational landscape in corporate America, promising enhanced efficiency.

8. China's Bull Market Continues

With robust performance in Chinese markets, Strategas suggests this momentum could influence global markets, especially in the industrial sector.

9. Small-Cap Stocks Outperform

The Russell 2000 index demonstrated strong performance, outpacing larger indices and highlighting investor interest in smaller companies.

10. Silver ETFs Gain Momentum

As silver prices increase, related ETFs saw substantial gains, indicating heightened investor interest amid ongoing market fluctuations.

Today's insights are provided by GraniteShares. Learn more about their 2X leveraged AMD Exchange-Traded Fund (AMDL) to increase your AI exposure within your investment portfolio.

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*Advertiser’s Disclosure: Investors should consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses carefully before investing. For a prospectus or summary prospectus with this and other information about the Funds, please call (844) 476 8747 or click here. Read the prospectus or summary prospectus carefully before investing.

The Fund is not suitable for all investors. The investment program of the funds is speculative, entails substantial risks and includes asset classes and investment techniques not employed by most other ETFs and mutual funds. Investments in the ETFs are not bank deposits and are not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. The Fund is designed to be utilized only by knowledgeable investors who understand the potential consequences of seeking daily leveraged (0 X) investment results, understand the risks associated with the use of leveraged exposure and are willing to monitor their portfolios frequently. For periods longer than a single day, the Fund will lose money if the Underlying Stock’s performance is flat, and it is possible that the Fund will lose money even if the Underlying Stock’s performance increases over a period longer than a single day. An investor could lose the full principal value of his/her investment within a single day.

The Fund seeks daily leveraged investment results and are intended to be used as short-term trading vehicles. This Fund attempts to provide daily investment results that correspond to the respective leveraged of the performance of its underlying stock (a leveraged Fund).

Investors should note that the fund pursues daily leveraged investment objectives, which means that the fund is riskier than alternatives that do not use leverage because the fund magnifies the performance of their underlying security. The volatility of the underlying security may affect a Fund’s return as much as, or more than, the return of the underlying security.

Because of daily rebalancing and the compounding of each day’s return over time, the return of the Fund for periods longer than a single day will be the result of each day’s returns compounded over the period, which will very likely differ from 0% of the return of the Underlying Stock over the same period. The Fund will lose money if the Underlying Stock’s performance is flat over time, and as a result of daily rebalancing, the Underlying Stock volatility and the effects of compounding, it is even possible that the Fund will lose money over time while the Underlying Stock's performance increases over a period longer than a single day.